University Library
Who can use the Library?
All campus based students are automatically registered with the University Library for the duration of the course they are studying and receive a campus card which acts as the library card for access to the library and to borrow items. Distance learning and collaborative partner students are automatically registered with the University Library but will need to ensure that they request a campus card to be able to access the building and borrow items.
Who can give my tutee more detailed help on Library topics?
Each Faculty is supported by a Faculty Librarian who is able to offer more detailed help to students either individually or in small groups. Details of the Faculty Librarians can be found:
Where can my tutees find reading lists?
If a reading list has been supplied for the course the library will have made this available through the reading list system which is generally linked to the relevant Moodle Unit. If a reading list is not available for a specific unit the students should speak to the unit co-ordinator. If a reading list is not available on Moodle students can check the library website:
Where can my tutees start to search for items?
The Library recommends that students start searching through the Discovery system which gives details of both print and electronic resources available to them from multiple sources. Students can get further help in the use of Discovery from any of the enquiry points in the library.
Where can my tutees find help on referencing?
Referencing@Portsmouth is a site designed and managed by the University Library to help students with referencing using the primary styles in use within the University of Portsmouth. The site can be accessed from the following address:
Get in touch:
Telephone: +44 (0)23 9284 3228
In person:
The University Library
Cambridge Road
Opening hours:
Library Building
Monday - Friday: Open 24hrs
Saturday & Sunday: Open 24hrs
Welcome desk
Monday - Friday: 9am - 9pm
Saturday & Sunday: 10am - 4pm
Support services desk
Monday - Thursday: 8am - 12 Midnight
Saturday & Sunday: 8am - 12 Midnight
Map Library
Monday - Thursday: 9am - 5pm
Friday: 1pm - 4.30pm
Saturday & Sunday: Closed